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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The theme of "RESPECT" kept circulating in my head during our recent campaign and election.  Seemed a good topic for the next full day emergency sub plans!  I wrote these activities for fourth grade level.  

Click here to download the preview of this full day of plans for your sub teacher or for your own teaching practice.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank You's at Thanksgiving Time

Click Here if you could use reading comprehension and math activities related to the theme:  Saying Thank You and Thanksgiving.  I searched every year for ideas to connect the two themes, which I didn't think too much of a stretch, and never found what I wanted.  The reading comprehension passages are suitable for 2nd and 3rd grade readers.  Please download, use, and let me know how these ideas work in your classroom.  I included these and other ideas in a full day subplanners plan which is for sale at my store.  If you haven't visited, you will love it.  There's something in there for literally every subject area and grade level. 

In the meantime, Thank You for following this blog and buying my products!